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8(800) 500-98-49
Пн-Пт: с 09:00 до 18:00 (ЕКБ)

From November 22-24, we will present new Dragonfly Gravity overalls at the Sheregesh Ski Resort! This is the second year an event will be held at STK Sheregesh with the support of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. The idea is to familiarize riders with clothes made by Russian manufacturers. There will be an exhibition fair every day as well. Also, we will have our collection available with a prize drawing for a competition for guests of Nosi Rossiyskoy. We invite you to check out Dragonfly products and other products from other Russian manufacturers.


22/11/19 from 14:00 – 18:30 – Exhibition fair with winter equipment made in Russia
23/11/19 from 10:00 – 17:00 – Exhibition fair with winter equipment made in Russia
12:00 – start of clothing try-outs (?)
15:00 – 16:00 – Fashion show with Russian clothing
16:00 – award show for the winners of the “Wear Russian!” campaign
24/11/19 from 10-16:00 – Exhibition fair with winter equipment made in Russia

PARTICIPANTS: Representatives of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, The Administration of the Kemerovo region, the Russian Outdoor Group, retail chains, Russian manufactures, sports schools, and STK Sheregesh Facilities.

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